Michelle Cooper, Director, National Rock Garden
Published in the National Rock Garden Newsletter No. 28, December 2024
The National Rock Garden was delighted to host a group of Earth Science teachers and educators in December. The aim of the visit was to raise awareness of the NRG with educators and prompt them to consider the potential for excursions to the Garden in the coming year. Representatives from both the NRG and the National Arboretum Canberra were also eager to hear from educators about the types of activities they envision at the Garden and the support they may need to implement them.

Dr Marita Bradshaw welcomed the group and provided an overview of the collection of large rocks now displayed at the new site. She also shared the Steering Committee’s vision for future expansion. Heather Tregoning, Education Officer, outlined the type of groups the Arboretum already hosts, possible complementary activities within the Arboretum, booking procedures and more.
The group enjoyed a guided walk through the display, engaging with the rocks, asking questions, and brainstorming ideas for educational activities. The discussion was full of inspiring suggestions, and we’re excited to begin exploring these possibilities further!